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논리회로 Register

4 Bit Register
Flow Bus Line and Connect 4 Flip-Flop

- Load Data according to Rising/Falling Edge
- Output Enable
- Select Data by 3 State Buffer
- Shift Register
- Rotate Register

Shift Register
Shift = 1 → CE = 1
Shift = 0 → CE = 0 (Store Operation)

Serial Shift Register
No.1 Flip-Flop → No.2 Flip-Flop
No.2 Flip-Flop → No.3 Flip-Flop
No.3 Flip-Flop → No.4 Flip-Flop

Parallel Shift Register
SH(Shift Enable) = 1 → Shift Operation
L(Load Enable) = 1 → Load Operation)
SH와 L은 독립관계이다.
SH 작동은 L의 Lodaed Data와 상관없다.

Build Register

